Sponsorships and Advertising

The Rockford Symphony Orchestra offers a variety of sponsorship options ranging from $1,000-15,000.

To reserve sponsorship of your preferred opportunity, use the tools on this page or contact Development Director Michael Zielinski at mzielinski@rockfordsymphony.com or call 815.965.0049.

Ticket sales make up less than 40% of overall revenue, therefore, the RSO relies heavily on generous contributions from corporations, individuals, and granting organizations to help keep our concerts affordable and accessible to all.

Impact and Reach

Sponsorship Opportunities

Click on the Concert Sponsorship Levels below to view the benefits and available opportunities. The RSO is happy to work with you to customize your sponsorship package and benefits to meet the needs of your company.

Grand Premier Concert Sponsor - $15,000

Exclusive Sponsorship of the Holiday Pops! When the Holiday Pops has a Grand Premier Sponsor,
other sponsorship levels for those concerts are not available.


  • Block of 40 tickets to sponsored RSO Concert(s)

  • 20 ticket vouchers for the RSO season

  • VIP Parking on concert night(s)

  • Access to Club ’27 on concert night. Club ’27 features complimentary food and drink.

  • 20% off tickets for employees to any RSO concert at the Coronado Theatre

  • 4 Grand Subscriptions to RSO season – in premier location!


  • Company logo included in all concert advertising including postcards, TV & radio commercials, email, and social media

  • Company logo with hyperlink featured on the RSO website throughout the season

  • Prominent placement of clickable company logo in Digital Concert Guide for the sponsored concert

  • Three personalized thank you social media posts on all RSO platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn)

  • Recognition on the Concert Presentation Screen above the stage on the night of sponsored concerts

  • Clickable logo in the Corporate Support section of every Digital Concert Guide for the season

  • Full page, color ad in annual Commemorative Program – Back cover

  • Large Banner on our website’s front page with a clickable logo for 20 days


  • Opportunity for company representative to greet the audience from the stage at the start of the concert

  • Company Name featured on Coronado Marquee on concert day

  • Listing in RSO Annual Report. Your business will be thanked in the RSO’s Annual Report allowing our donors and patrons the opportunity to thank you with their patronage!

  • Company mentioned as a sponsor by the host of SoundBites and podcasts if applicable

  • Interview with company representative featured on our website’s front page

For the exclusive opportunity to become a Grand Premier Concert Sponsor,
contact Development Director Michael Zielinski at mzielinski@rockfordsymphony.com

Premier Concert Sponsor - $10,000

Exclusive Sponsorship of a single concert! If a concert has a Premier Sponsor, other sponsorship levels for that concert are not available. Our Premier Sponsorships are available for Masterworks and Pops concerts that take place at the Coronado Performing Arts Center.


  • Block of 40 tickets to sponsored RSO Concert

  • VIP Parking on sponsored concert night

  • Access to Club ’27 on concert night sponsored. Club ’27 features complimentary food and drink.

  • 20% off tickets for employees to any RSO concert at the Coronado Theatre


  • Company logo included in all concert advertising including postcards, TV & radio commercials, email, and social media

  • Company logo with hyperlink featured on the RSO website throughout the season

  • Prominent placement of clickable company logo in Digital Concert Guide for the sponsored concert

  • A personalized thank you social media post on all RSO platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).

  • Recognition on the Concert Presentation Screen above the stage night of the concert

  • Clickable logo in the Corporate Support section of every Digital Concert Guide for the season

  • Full page, color ad in annual Commemorative Program – prominent location

  • Large Banner on our website’s front page with a clickable logo for 20 days


  • Opportunity for company representative to greet the audience from the stage at the start of the concert

  • Company Name featured on Coronado Marquee on concert day

  • Listing in RSO Annual Report. Your business will be thanked in the RSO’s Annual Report allowing our donors and patrons the opportunity to thank you with their patronage!

  • Company mentioned as a sponsor by the host of SoundBites and podcasts if applicable

  • Interview with company representative featured on our website’s front page

For the exclusive opportunity to become a Premier Concert Sponsor,
contact Development Director Michael Zielinski at mzielinski@rockfordsymphony.com

Elite Concert Sponsor - $7,500


  • Block of 20 tickets to the sponsored RSO Concert

  • Access to Club ’27 on concert night. Club ’27 features complimentary food and drink.

  • 20% off tickets for employees to any RSO concert at the Coronado Theatre


  • Company logo included in all concert advertising including postcards, TV & radio commercials, email, and social media

  • Company logo with hyperlink featured on the RSO website throughout the season

  • A personalized thank you social media post on all RSO platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).

  • Recognition on the Concert Presentation Screen above the stage the night of the concert.

  • Clickable logo in the Corporate Support section of every Digital Concert Guide for the season

  • Full page, color ad in the annual Commemorative Program


  • Opportunity for company representative to greet the audience from the stage at the start of the concert

  • Company Name featured on Coronado Marquee on concert day

  • Listing in RSO Annual Report. Your business will be thanked in the RSO’s Annual Report allowing our donors and patrons the opportunity to thank you with their patronage!

  • Company mentioned as a sponsor by the host of SoundBites and podcasts if applicable

For the opportunity to become an Elite Concert Sponsor,
contact Development Director Michael Zielinski at mzielinski@rockfordsymphony.com

Concert Sponsor - $5,000


  • Block of 20 tickets to sponsored RSO Concert

  • Access to Club ’27 on concert night. Club ’27 features complimentary food and drink.

  • 20% off tickets for employees to any RSO concert at the Coronado Theatre


  • Company logo included in all concert advertising including postcards, TV & radio commercials, email, and social media

  • Company logo with hyperlink featured on the RSO website throughout the season

  • A personalized thank you social media post on all RSO platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).

  • Recognition on the Concert Presentation Screen above the stage the night of the concert.

  • Clickable logo in the Corporate Support section of every Digital Concert Guide for the season

  • Half-page, color ad in the annual Commemorative Program


  • Opportunity for company representative to greet the audience from the stage at the start of the concert

  • Company Name featured on Coronado Marquee on concert day

  • Listing in RSO Annual Report. Your business will be thanked in the RSO’s Annual Report allowing our donors and patrons the opportunity to thank you with their patronage!

  • Company mentioned as a sponsor by the host of SoundBites and podcasts if applicable

For the opportunity to become a Concert Sponsor,
contact Development Director Michael Zielinski at mzielinski@rockfordsymphony.com

Chamber Series Sponsor - $3,500

Exclusive Sponsorship of the Chamber Concert Series!


  • 4 subscriptions to Chamber Concert Series (3 concerts)

  • 10 vouchers to use at an RSO Concert at the Coronado Theatre.

  • 20% off tickets for employees to any RSO concert at the Coronado Theatre


  • Company logo included in all concert advertising including postcards, TV & radio commercials, email, and social media

  • Company logo with hyperlink featured on the RSO website throughout the season

  • Three personalized thank you social media posts on all RSO platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).

  • Clickable logo in the Corporate Support section of every Digital Concert Guide for the season


  • Listing in RSO Annual Report. Your business will be thanked in the RSO’s Annual Report allowing our donors and patrons the opportunity to thank you with their patronage!

  • Opportunity for company representative to greet the audience from the stage at the start of each Chamber Series Concert

  • Company mentioned as a sponsor by the host of SoundBites or podcast, if applicable

For the exclusive opportunity to become the Chamber Series Sponsor,
contact Development Director Michael Zielinski at mzielinski@rockfordsymphony.com

Guest Artist(s) or Conductor Sponsor - $2,500


  • Block of 10 tickets to sponsored RSO Concert

  • Access to Club ’27 on concert night. Club ’27 features complimentary food, and drink.


  • Company logo included in all concert advertising including postcards, TV & radio commercials, email, and social media

  • Company logo with hyperlink featured on RSO website throughout the season

  • A personalized thank you social media post on all RSO platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn).

  • Recognition on Concert Presentation Screen above the stage the night of the concert.

  • Clickable logo in Corporate Support section of every Digital Concert Guide for the season


  • Listing in RSO Annual Report. Your business will be thanked in the RSO’s Annual Report allowing our donors and patrons the opportunity to thank you with their patronage!

  • Company mentioned as sponsor by host of SoundBites or podcast, if applicable

For the opportunity to become a Guest Artist(s) or Conductor Sponsor,
contact Development Director Michael Zielinski at mzielinski@rockfordsymphony.com

Community Business Partner - $1,000

The RSO is proud to be part of such a vibrant, innovative, and supportive community and for these reasons, we offer our Community Business Partner program. This is an easy way to show your support of the RSO and at the same time receive some great benefits!

The following benefits are included with your $1,000 sponsorship donation:

  • Clickable logo in the RSO Digital Concert Guide. Potential customers can visit your website anytime from the Guide—before the concert, during, or after they get home.

  • 10 Ticket Vouchers. These can be used at any concert during the season and include admission to the Founders Club reception after the performance.

  • A personalized thank you social media post on all RSO platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn)

  • Once a season recognition on the Concert Presentation Screen above the stage

  • Listing in RSO Annual Report. Your business will also be thanked in the RSO’s Annual Report allowing our donors and patrons the opportunity to thank you with their patronage!

For the opportunity to become a Community Business Partner,
contact Development Director Michael Zielinski at mzielinski@rockfordsymphony.com

Education Supporter

The Rockford Symphony Orchestra is dedicated to maintaining and enhancing its place in the lives of Rockford area residents and is particularly committed to music education in our region.

Sponsoring one of our core education programs can have a lasting impact on future generations in our community.

Learn more about each of these programs below. To become an Education Supporter, use the tools on this page or contact RSO Development Director Michael Zielinski at mzielinski@rockfordsymphony.com or call 815.965.0049.

Education Supporter
from $1,000.00
  • RSYO Chamber Concerts - $1,000

    Two concerts per year

    The RSYO Honors Chamber Orchestra consists of the most advanced students. They perform more challenging repertoire and in smaller ensembles.

  • Concerto Competition - $1,500

    The Rockford Symphony Orchestra invites young musicians up to 21 years of age to compete in this annual competition.

  • RSYO Orchestra Concerts - $2,000

    Two concerts per year

    The Rockford Symphony Youth Orchestra, under the direction of conductor Linc Smelser, is a challenging and fun music education experience for regional student musicians.

  • Outstanding Music Educator Award - $2,500

    2025 Award Sponsored by MembersAlliance Credit Union.

    In 2016 the Rockford Symphony Orchestra created the Outstanding Music Educator Award to recognize an outstanding music educator in our community.