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Ensuring the legacy of great music in Rockford

The Rockford Symphony Orchestra Foundation was established in October 2007 as a separate organization to build a permanent endowment to benefit the Rockford Symphony Orchestra. The Foundation prudently invests donated funds to generate annual income in perpetuity for the RSO.

Special opportunities are available to endow a chair or program to underwrite RSO musicians and programs. Naming chairs or programs recognizes donors (or honors a person dear to a donor) in a most caring and enduring way. Endowed chairs and programs are named in perpetuity.

For more information on making a gift to the RSOF or a special naming opportunity, contact Executive Director Julie Thomas at 815.965.0049 or

RSO Foundation Officers

Bill Kobler

David Whitehouse
Vice President

Marcia Mueller

Chris Kovarik
Mindy Young
Julie Thomas (ex officio)

We are grateful to the following leaders who have contributed to the endowment, where their gift will live on forever. (All memorial gifts and gifts of $1,000 or below are gratefully acknowledged for a period of one year).

$250,000 and above

Mr. James Lathers
Mr. Richard Nordlof
– Classics Series Guest Artist Chair


Mary Ann Eibler Loving Trust
The Funderburg Foundation
John C. McCarthy
– Assistant Concertmaster and Principal Cello Chair


Chuck & Shirley Holzwarth
- In-School Education Outreach Programs
Dick & Grace Leighton
– Youth Concert Education Program


Dr. & Mrs. William Baskin
– James Brechlin Bass Chair
Priscilla & John Cotton
Gordon & Georganne Eggers
Ellwyn & Gayle Englof
– Isadore Olson Scholarship Fund
DeWayne & Donna Fellows
Jim & Carol Gingrich
Goddard Family Foundation
Bill & Sally Hoff
Colleen & Jack Holmbeck
Janet Kjellstrom
LoRayne Logan
Mrs. Jane Marlowe
Dan & Ruth Nicholas
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Pasky

Bob & Patty Rhea
Severson Charitable Remainder Trust
Sterling Charitable Trust
– RSYO Sterling String Quartet
Verona A. Swenson
Keith C. Syfert & Linda K. Miller
Glenn Theil
David & Rosalie Whitehouse
Fred & Wendy Young


Mr. & Mrs. Richard Baker, III
Edward J. Enichen
Dr. & Mrs. Donald Feeney
Mr. Mark Johnson
– In memory of KristyAnn Laurene Johnson
David D. Kalber
Dr. and Mrs. Bill Kobler
Kent & Marti Mallquist
Lisle Menzimer
Ronald F. Peterson
Mr. Charles Prorok & Ms. Marcia Mueller
Caroline Reed
Roger & Mary Reithmeier
Brian A. Ritter
Arnold Rosen & Kathleen Kelly
Dick & Katie Wolff