Spring 2021 Information and Procedures


Tuition will be $125 for the shortened Spring semester. Staggered payments are due as follows:

  • $25 tuition payment due Wednesday, January 27, 2021

  • $50 tuition payment due Thursday, February 18, 2021

  • $50 tuition payment due Thursday, March 11, 2021

Payments are staggered in case rehearsals must be suspended due to COVID-19. If you would like to pay in full upfront the remainder of your tuition, should rehearsals be canceled, will be credited as a donation and you will be sent a tax receipt. Thank you for considering this option!


  • Musicians will be spaced out in a 6x6 foot square (6x9 feet for trombones).

  • Masks must be worn at all times. Brass and wind musicians may use a disposable mask with a slit cut.

  • Brass and woodwind instruments must use bell covers. Musicians are responsible for providing their own bell covers. If you need assistance with this, contact Margo Stedman at mstedman@rockfordsymphony.com.

  • Each musician must bring their own stand to rehearsal. No stands will be shared.

  • To minimize surface contact, the majority of musicians will be asked to stand to play for the shorter 45-minute rehearsal time. Chairs will be provided for cellos, horns, and woodwinds. All chairs used will be sanitized between rehearsal segments.

  • Musicians’ temperatures will be checked upon arrival at rehearsal.

Before each rehearsal, musicians must affirm that in the past 14 days:

1.       I have not tested positive for COVID-19.

2.       I have not experienced COVID-19 symptoms and am not currently experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.

3.       No one in my home has experienced COVID-19 symptoms and is not currently experiencing COVID-19 symptoms.

4.       I have not been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for or shown signs of COVID-19.


Recitals will be held at Veterans Memorial Hall in downtown Rockford: 211 N Main St, Rockford, IL 61101. There are two public parking lots on Main St nearby with free parking. Musicians will be limited to two guests each. Performances will be recorded to share with friends and family afterwards.

Covid-19 Procedure

In accordance with the guidelines issued by the Winnebago County Health Department, because conductor Linc Smelser will be exposed to all musicians, if any RSYO student becomes ill with COVID-19, all rehearsals will be suspended for at least two weeks for a quarantine period. Whether rehearsals will resume depends on current virus numbers in the community, recommendations from local health officials, the comfort level of the conductor and musicians, and where we are in the semester.


Spring 2021 Calendar


Fall 2020 Covid-19 Precautions